Saturday, May 28, 2011

Servant Leader: God Lesson on Servant Leadership

Servant Leader: God Lesson on Servant Leadership: "Servant Leadership is a principle that God honors and we have evidence of it throughout the Bible. During our “Meet and Greet” Networking Ev..."

Business by the Book - New Class - June 5, 2011 - Second Baptist Church

Have you ever thought about something that you wanted to do but  you have never taken  the first step toward doing it.  You are now looking back at the last 2 or 3 years of your life and you wonder why you didn't at least try it.  At the time, the questions in your head seem to overwhelm the answers and the few answers that you had to some of those questions seem to be childish, risky or perhaps foolish.

It is not too late.  Perhaps the setting has changed and your approach may have to be edited but you can still take action!

The first and most important thing that you have to do is make a concrete and confident decision that you are going to do it.   Have a Nike moment and decide to "Just do it".    There is a lot of work ahead but once the you launch the decision, you won't have any regrets.

I am doing that right now.  I have said for the last year that I am going to start writing a blog.   Then,  I would put it off until tomorrow.  Let me share that  I wrote one eight (8) months ago and received some very positive comments about it.  But...I just let the idea go in a "sleep" mode like my computer does when I am not working on it.  I wasn't working on my idea consistently.  Well not any more!

My blog is going to be revolve around  a new series that we are starting at my church , Second Baptist, Houston Texas (  The class is named Business by the Book and it will give us an opportunity to study a book over several weeks and talk about the principles that can help us in the marketplace.  I am one of the teachers in the class and one of the things I want to come away with are some of the Christian principles that are used in business world.  Our first book is Onward - How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul.  I have started reading it and it is a great book.  No,  I don't get anything for promoting the book but I love a book that give honest insight into the author, is encouraging and yet challenging. 

My intent to give a brief overview of the precepts that I find in the book, review the similarities between the book and the truth that we find in the Bible and discuss the positive impact that the Truth can have on all of us.   

I look forward to sharing with you on a weekly basis.  Let me leave you with this.   Howard Schultz, the ceo and author of the book uses the word "onward" in the title and throughout the book.    It is a word that is full of encouragement but a call to action.   If you have a passion, then do not stand still any more, move ""Onward".

Please join us at Second Baptist ( in Houston, Texas - 6400 Woodway, Room 115 - Woodway Village  for our new class which starts on 6/5 @ 11:00 a.m.  Looking forward to seeing you there.